Sabtu, 12 Maret 2016


Assalamu'alaykum Wr. Wb.

Hai kawan - kawan.. khususnya untuk kamu yg di tingkat SMP atau SMA. Oke kali ini aku mau sharing dengan kalian tips2 tentang belajar. So ya.. Happy Reading Buddy ;)


1. Its just a test. Believe me banyak banget hal yang lebih sulit dibanding sebuah test disekolah contohnya cari pekerjaan to earn money dan ngebiayain hidup kalian and anything else
2. You are in school to learn. Perlu banget kalian inget tujuan utama kita disekolah adalah untuk belajar dan belajar adalah proses dimana kita mengetahui sesuatu yang sebelumnya kita belum mengetahuinnya and DONT DO THINGS THAT CANT BE TOLERANED
3. studying can be fun! challenging yourself and learning and being excited about new knowledge and solving problems is cool.
4. focus on understanding. Supaya kalian lebih produktif selama belajar, percaya deh jika kalian mengerti sesuatu dari pelajaran kalian pasti your life will be happier
5. don’t worry so much about doing badly. you will end up in the right place if you just work hard and relax sometimes and say nice things to yourself


✔ Make it a habit to jump out of your bed as soon as you hear your alarm clock
Beberapa orang mungkin akan mematikan alarm nya dan tidur lagi, tapi kamu jangan! Karena matiin alarm dan tidur lagi malah bikin kamu jadi semakin males. Lakukan tips ini selama sebulan, and you'll see a huge improvement in your life.

✔ Engage in any simple activity to get you started and keep you going.
This simple activity might include cleaning your room, write a letter, wash the dishes or anything that can be completed in a very short time.

✔ Exercise for 10 minutes every day
10 minutes is very short. You can do it. Selain bikin kamu jadi sehat, ini juga bisa menghilangkan rasa malas kamu.

✔ Make it a habit to list the tasks for the day
Buat to-do-list juga ngelatih supaya diri kamu jadi disiplin. Make a commitment to yourself to complete the tasks on the list no matter what happens to you.

✔ Change the way how you perceive yourself
If you keep telling yourself that you are lazy, you'll always be lazy. Pikirkan bahwa kamu adalah orang yang bertindak. Visualisasikan bahwa diri kamu adalah orang yang pekerja keras dan melakukan semua tugas.

✔ Make it a habit to do anything simple as soon as you see it
Misalkan kamu liat kertas berserakan dan harus dibuang, maka buang saat itu juga. Jangan menunda hal sekecil apapun itu. Karena menunda nunda bisa bikin tugas menumpuk dan kamu jadi semakin males buat ngerjainnya.


I’m not saying you’re lazy but you’re human and you wear out quickly. So here how to outsmart that:

๐ŸŒผTake good notes the first time around๐Ÿ“‘
Banyak yang bilang rewriting your notes buat kedua kalinya (biar lebih rapi dan bisa kamu 'hias' so jadi lebih menarik) will help much bUT let's be honest, many of yall won't do that. Saying this is less 'efficient' and all, instead bite the bullet and do what you can the first time so you can read them later. It's okay if the notes are messily writing, as long as it's (((yours))) since notes needs to be personal to be effective. Different people, different notes. So, listen to your teacher carefully, inget kalau kalian males belajar di rumah, atleast di sekolah udah dengerin materinya apa aja so it'll be kind of little help too.

๐ŸŒผYou don’t need 100 different highlighters to be successful (but you can if you want).๐Ÿ”ต๐Ÿ”ด
Kuncinya adalah menulis secara singkat-singkat aja, you don't have to write anything your teacher says, as I say keeping it succinct. Write down what your teacher says and find it later in the book. Read those passages a couple of times in your head and out loud to yourself to commit the info to memory. Honestly just highlight the key words so that when you see it on the test, the info connected to it floods back.

๐ŸŒผUse your phone to organize your shit☎
Karena apa? You always have phone with you 24/7, even ketika kalian ke toilet. God knows you ain’t gonna buy multi colored sticky notes and a $30 planner. And you might forget your textbooks and planner but not your phone.

๐ŸŒผMake a reasonable to do list you KNOW deep in your soul you can commit to๐Ÿ“
Kuncinya disini adalah diri kalian sendiri, komitmen kalian dalam mengerjakan hal-hal yang udah tertulis di to-do list itu. You gotta write it, and do whatever listed. It’s a better motivator to see stuff get done than to see stuff not get done.

๐ŸŒผTry to get stuff done before noon.
That’s my best advice. Early rise and early done makes you feel accomplished even if all you’ve done is read a few pages. This is probably the best time management advice I ever received in my life.

๐ŸŒผTry to find a way to keep calm.๐Ÿ˜ธ๐Ÿ˜ธ๐Ÿ˜ธ
You’re most likely not the type to plan every aspect down to the molecule or the type to be on top of everything. Things go awry, that’s just life. Find a way to fix your perspective on setbacks and failures so that it doesn’t ruin your future vision. This is personal so I can’t help you too much there.

๐ŸŒผAlways have daily dosage of motivational shits๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
This works wonder cs let's be real, we, human, wear out easily. You get motivated, but it only in split seconds, jadi males lagi karena 'gangguan' lain. This is why I let motivational quotes do their jobs ketika udah males banget and the urge to just lay on the bed is pretTY tempting. This is personal so I can’t help you too much there (2).

๐ŸŒผSetting goals and commit to yourself you'll do your best to achieve that๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’ฆ
Someone ever told me, that being motivated isn't the key of gaining succes. If you're motivated, good, but kalo enggak? You still have to do those tasks anyway, right? I quote her 'you gotta do it whether you're motivated or not, if you don't, that just means you're irresponsible'. And this is where goals are needed. Just think of this way, your goals-->kewajiban yang harus dipenuhi. Jadi secapek atau se'enek' kalian sama sekolah, inget kalau sekolah helps you gaining knowledges yang bisa mendekatkan kalian pada cita-cita kalian, kesuksesan kalian which is I believe 'being success' is always listed top on your goals.

Those are fews tips, but ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS 'getting good results depends on a lot of factors, study tips are only one tool to help', so everything depends on YOURSELF. Good luck and have a nice studying session yall๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


Pertama kamu harus tahu tipe belajar kamu audio, visual, atau kinestetik. Lalu, cari tempat yang menurut kamu paling nyaman buat menghafal. Kalau kamu audio, biasanya kamu lebih gampang menghafal ditempat yang sepi dengan suara yang keras.

Oiya, kamu juga bisa minum teh atau green tea, karena itu bisa improving memory dan bikin kamu jadi relax.

This is especially useful if you’re trying to memorize information from a lecture. Kamu bisa menggunakan tape recorder atau nge record lewat hp untuk kamu dengerin nanti. Dan untuk menghafal pidato, kamu bisa rekam suara kamu saat baca pidato, dan kamu dengerin lagi nanti.

Tips ini berguna banget khususnya untuk orang yang cara belajarnya audio. Tapi untuk cara belajar lain juga boleh coba karena membantu banget.

Hal ini bakal berguna banget. Soalnya saat kamu mencatat, secara gak langsung otak kamu menghafal itu. Membaca sambil menulis materi ulang itu bisa bikin kamu cepat menghafal.

Now that you have everything written down in one set of notes, separate them into sections. Kamu jiga bisa menggunakan pena warna warni, dan warna pena yang berbeda tiap judul bab.

Tips ini berguna khususnya buat orang yang cara belajarnya visual karena otaknya lebih mudah menggolongkan informasi dengan cara ini.

Kamu bisa mengulang materi yang udah kamu catet, and try to recall it without looking. Do not move on to another section until you have memorized that one completely.

Secara tidak langsung saat kamu ngajarin orang lain, otak kamu juga akan mengingat informasi itu. Jadi dja belajar, kamu juga belajar.

This is certainly auditory learning, but it will still supplement everything you’ve shoved into your short-term memory.

Go for a short time without thinking about what you just learned and come back to it later on. Kamu bisa istirahat 5-10 menit setelah 45 menit belajar. Karena terlalu fokus belajar tanpa istirahat bakal bikin kamu pusing dan malah pelajaran gak ada yang masuk otak

How to Study Like a Straight A Student ๐Ÿ…ฐ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ

I did well in the last year of my middle school which was great thing! And i'm certain that the reason I did so well was due to the way that I figured out how to study, so here are some tips I have based on what I did to study this past year!

๐Ÿ‹Sit in the front row๐Ÿ’บ๐Ÿ’บ๐Ÿ’บ
Mungkin kedengarannya sepele, but actually this helps me a lot! Ketika duduk di depan kamu bisa bener-bener fokus, juga gak akan tergoda buat nge-check hape or terganggu sama any other distractions: ngobrol sama temen, drawing doodles on your notes, etc. This also gives you a chance to easily ask any questions you have.

๐Ÿ‹Show up to class a little early.⌚⌚
Kalau bisa datang 15 menit sebelum pelajaran dimulai, let's see, you can use those 15 minutes to read through your previous notes, nanya ke temen bagian yang belum paham, or else bisa pelajarin materi yang sekiranya mau diajarin so you can catch up with the lesson easily (((cough anak k13 cough))).

๐Ÿ‹Type your notes and print them out๐Ÿ“‘๐Ÿ“‘
If you prefer to spend a lot of time on hand written notes, then go crazy. However, I don’t really have time to make aesthetic notes, so I prefer to just write my notes by hand during class, then copy them into microsoft word so I can organize and print them out. This makes the notes much easier to read, and it’s much easier on the eyes. This depends on what kind of person are you tho, do you prefer studying with aesthetic hand written notes or the print out notes?๐Ÿ˜œ

๐Ÿ‹Do every assignment. Yes, EVERY assignment๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ“š
EVERY ASSIGNMENT IS IMPORTANT. Of course some assignments might be stupid or seem too small to matter, but if you’re being graded on them, you need all the points you can get. But let's not talk about  grade here, use those assignments as ajang latihan buat ngetest kamu udah paham materinya apa belum, siapa tau tugas-tugas itu keluar di soal ulangan kamu kan?๐Ÿ˜‰

๐Ÿ‹Don’t skip. Don’t skip. Don't skip.๐Ÿ˜ก❌❌
Don’t skip if you can help it. If there is a serious emergency and you really can’t make it, try your hardest to get the best notes you can from someone who was in class. There’s nothing worse than sitting down for a test and realizing that a ton of the questions are about content you missed when you were absent.

๐Ÿ‹Go over material in your head when you’re not busy๐Ÿ“”๐Ÿ“”
If you’re in the shower or waiting in line at the cafe, go over class material in your head. Think about what you learned that day. If you do this often, this will help significantly with retention. Use this way as some kind of review-regardless-of-the-place, daripada gabut ngelamun, I deem it better to remember what the teachers said in the class.

๐Ÿ‹Makes specific agendas for what you need to study and get done๐Ÿ“✏✏
Not only buat ngingetin kamu akan hal-hal yang harus kamu lakuin (esp buat kalian yang pelupa), to-do list actually also helps you to be more organized, more motivated as in nyelesain tugas apa aja yang belom kamu kerjain, and so on๐Ÿ˜‰

๐Ÿ‹Don’t get discouraged by a bad grade- take it as motivation๐Ÿ™†❗
I failed badly on my chem exam once, and tBH I felt stupid and dissapointed at myself I wish I could reborn with brighter brain, but hey this is not the end of everything, I might felt upset about that but don't i repeat DONT drown in it too much. You failed your exams, then what? Fuc*ing do something about it. Instead of meratapi nilai jelek kamu, try to think the positive side of this, lo dapet nilai jelek, ngaruh ke nilai rapot, ngecewain orangtua, diremehin temen lagi, pasti gamau itu terjadi lagi kan? So take this as your motivation to do the best next time. Fail hard, study harder. And at last, I got an A for my chem exam which is a prove I take my bad grade as motivation to study harder afterwards. Yall should do it too๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

Good luck earning for A's yall!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Request and suggestion, anyone? ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

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